Introducing 'Clusters'
at Stirling Business Association

We know that you enjoy the socialising and connection that comes from our Sundowners and other events we host. And that's awesome! We love that too.

But perhaps there is more that SBA can do to foster deeper connection and understanding among our membership?

✔ A chance to get to know other business owners and leaders who are most aligned with your business 

✔ For you to be able to share in detail what you do and who you serve

 Learn more about other members, their business and goals

 Feel genuinly connected to other members who you know you can reach out to for help in your business. No judgement. No cost.

So we'd like to invite you to join one of our Clusters.

Stirling Business Association is piloting a new initiative where small groups of our members (8-10) can regularly meet and connect at a deeper level. Each cluster will consist of aligned businesses for you all to support and help each other with a guarantee of no competitors in the same group.

For Members by Members

SBA CEO, Yvonne Atkinson, will initially coordinate the members of each cluster and facilitate agreement to their rules of engagement. The cluster will need to agree on:

  • Who will be the cluster facilitator (nominated and agreed to by the members)
  • Frequency and location (SBC or online) of cluster catch-ups 
  • Duration and format of the session 
  • Objectives for the group
  • Commitment to the cluster
  • What does success look like

Moving forward each Cluster will continue to meet, share, connect and support each other. Our clusters will be 'for members by members' (with SBA office support where necessary).

We'll be starting off with just three groups - two Professional Services Clusters and a Trades Cluster so we can review and tweak as necessary.

You will already have received your invitation to join either of the clusters and we look forward to seeing you at your first meeting very soon. 

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